Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Landforms, Geomorphology & Geography...

...but not the usual. You won't find information about volcanoes and earthquakes here. GeoQuest is about the unique,"weird" and uncommon landforms found in nature.
Landforms are unavoidable. We are all surrounded by landforms. Even a “featureless desert” has features, you just need to know what to look for. The land we live on has mountains, rivers, valleys, plains, shores, and lakes. These large and obvious land shapes are familiar to many people, but there are hundreds of smaller, less common landforms that are unknown to most. We may live near, or drive past, one or more of these rare features every day, but because they have never been described or pointed out, they are invisible to us.
GeoQuest is an index where each blog entry describes one of these unique, “weird”, uncommon earth features. Each blog entry is presented in a “field report” format where the reader can expect to find explanations on; what causes the landform to be created, specific locations where the landform can be found, photographs and diagrams, variations of the feature, how they decay or are destroyed, benefits to the environment or humans, as well as a reference list of books and web sites about the landform.

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